Calendar & Cirriculum

Calendar and Cirriculum

Math, Science, Language Arts

Introductory skills- Skills that require basic processing of informaiton to address real world stituations that are related to the content standard, regardless of grade or age level of student. Fundamental skills: Require simple decision making to promote real world situation that are related to the content standards. Comprehensive skills- Skills that require higher order thinking and complex information rprocessing skillss that are related to the content standards regardless of the age or grade level of student.Special needs and Ell's- inlude in general education assesment using accomodations or modications and partcipation in performanced based portfolio assessment. Presymbolic skills- Activate a switch to start a book on tape, finger scan a textured objects that represents the next activity. Early symbolic- Name, community building, pictures, identifying restroom symbol.Symbolic- identifying weather, related words, sight words, embedded in a story.

What first graders are expected to know by the end of the year: Work independently, listen to longer set of directions, read directions off the board (even though some chidren have difficulty with this, complete homework and bring back the next day, sit in chair for long periods of time, be able to see things from anothers point view, and to hav empathy, relate and retell experiences in a logical way after listening, problem solve disagreements, read and write untaught words phonetically, read and write high frequency words, write complete sentences with correct captialization and punctuation, correctly use conjunctions and prepositions, read aloud first books with accuracy and understanding, tell time to the half hour and hour using digital clocks, quickly answer addition problems with sums up to twenty, quickly answer subtraction problems with sums zero to twenty, complete two digit addition and subtraction problems without regrouping.

School Calendar:

Nov. 7  field trip (meet at classroom by 8am.)

Nov 18 Staff development (students dismiss at 12pm).

Nov 21-25 Thanksgiving break -no school

Nov 28 Take study sheet home for spelling test 

Nov 30 spelling test